Secure Valuable Space with SEO

By Walker Levi Percy

Setting up your website so that it ranks well in the search engines is popularly referred to as search engine optimization. It's a different form of marketing than traditional marketing but there is one similarity regarding the competition. There is positioning or competition for space that is valuable and can drive business. How valuable? The volume of monthly searches and the typical conversions for those keywords will give a more accurate picture of the true value.

The Standard Marketing Model Compared to SEM or Search Engine Marketing

For someone who has very little knowledge of search engine marketing, they may not be aware of the ROI, the ability to measure each and every interaction with a potential customer, and the lower customer acquisition costs involved. Furthermore, they may not have a true grasp of the significant difference between a potential customer in the traditional marketing space versus one in the search engine marketing space.

Traditional marketing has become, to coin a popular phrase, interruption marketing. Let's say for example, you are at home watching your favourite television show. It's getting to a very climactic moment, then there's the break for a commercial. You know what that feels like. You didn't actively turn to this commercial. In fact, in most cases, you are focused on the return of your program of choice. You might be amused by the commercial, but you could easily be annoyed. Traditional marketing is like throwing out a big net into the ocean. You may catch a lot of fish, but you might not catch any. And you only have 30 seconds to do it in the case of tv ad buys. And when you do have the opportunity, when you're at the mall, let's say, that you'll have that ad in your head and purchase their product when you are there.

Now compare that to customers who are looking for you through google. These people are engaged. They are motivated to look for your product or service. These potential clients may even have their credit in hand at their computer or smartphone and are all set to make a purchase. In either case, they are much further along in the buying cycle than the consumer who was earlier targeted by a tv ad. The really special thing, is that when they do enter your site, you can find out where they came from, what type of device they were using (smartphone, tablet, or computer), where on they page they were looking, how long they stayed and so on. The amount of actionable data you can gather is astounding.

Knowing What Words Drive Traffic and Business

Effective keyword research is the most vital part of search engine optimization. By picking the wrong keywords, you can find yourself working extremely hard and not having anything significant to show for your efforts. You may be showing up number one for "banana lollipop making ideas" but if this search term is, for all practical purposes, never actually searched, then you are in for some disappointment. Doing the proper keyword research takes time, patience, and understanding of where you want to focus your efforts. It also takes a keen eye to step back and have a birds-eye perspective of your overall strategy and how to implement and execute that strategy.

Where to focus your keywords? Highly competitive words may not be the best place to start. They take longer. You'll have less data to review. And it is easy to get discouraged if you are new to search engine marketing.

Be sure to add some less competitive terms to your search campaign if you are new to this. That way, you can get some feedback and data that will give you the confidence you need to move forward and the insight to make changes when adjustments are needed. Naturally, there are risks to seeking out only the most competitive terms. That includes the length of time required to see a return. As well, you may not be able to distinguish the signposts along the way. One can sometimes lack the proper perspective to evaluate what is working, what takes time to work, and what needs changing.

All of this can lead one to give up on the effort. Or alternatively, to seek out a strong partner to manage their search engine optimization campaigns.

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